
Telemedicine platform for rare diseases

The first telemedicine platform specifically for rare diseases

RareLink Grafik

The first telemedicine platform specifically for rare diseases

Telemedicine offers healthcare professionals innovative solutions for the care of people with rare diseases.

RareLink bundles all important telemedicine tools in one platform and enables specialised treatment centres to provide comprehensive remote care for their patients.

This not only improves medical care enormously, but also creates new opportunities for research.

Areas of application

Areas of application

Patient care

Treatment centres use RareLink to provide close telemedical care for their patients living far away: they can assess the course of the disease remotely, react quickly to deteriorations and reduce long journeys by patients.

Arzt nutzt SaniQ

Clinical research

RareLink offers researchers the opportunity to collect continuous and structured real-world data from patients' everyday lives for clinical studies - from vital parameters and laboratory values to Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO).

The RareLink modules

The RareLink modules


Telemonitoring of vital signs enables the introduction of personalised healthcare for chronic patients - close-meshed, location-independent & data-based!

Video consultation

The data-based video consultation for well-founded diagnoses and treatment decisions.

Medication plan

Control your patients' medication remotely and monitor therapy adherence.


You can use the chat function to communicate directly with your patients - in compliance with data protection regulations and without complications. Patients can send and receive messages via the app.


Have your patients fill out questionnaires regularly to get an idea of how they subjectively feel their symptoms or illness is progressing.


Exchange documents with your patients such as findings, laboratory results, referrals or emergency plans via the document folder.

How telemonitoring works with RareLink

How telemonitoring works with RareLink

The RareLink platform works in combination with sensor technology, a patient app and web-based software. 

Sensor technology


Patients record their vital signs using digital measuring devices, which transmit the measured values to the RareLink platform in real time.  

Patient app


Patients can use the RareLink app to manually enter vital signs and communicate with their doctors, exchange documents and much more. 

Web system

Telemonitoring mit Myalink

The RareLink software visualises the recorded vital signs and informs the practice team if previously defined limit values are exceeded.

High-precision measurements thanks to digital sensor technology

The devices, wearables and health trackers connected to RareLink ensure precise measurements, fast data transmission and easy use by patients.

You can monitor these vital signs

With RareLink you can monitor a wide range of vital parameters. This makes the platform highly customisable for numerous indication areas.

RareLink Funktionen

Im Metternicher Feld 30c
D-56072 Koblenz on the Rhine

Tel. +49 (0) 261 – 134 986 0

About RareLink

RareLink, founded in 2025, is a spin-off of the Department of Neurology at Charité Berlin and Qurasoft GmbH from Koblenz. 

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