Medication plan

Control your patients' medication remotely and monitor therapy adherence

Medication plan

Control your patients' medication remotely and monitor therapy adherence

SaniQ Devices

This is how it works

The medication plan in SaniQ works in conjunction with the practice software and the patient app:

Practice software

Digitale Arztpraxis mit SaniQ

In SaniQ Praxis, doctors enter the prescribed medication, the dosing regimen and the dosing unit for a patient. 

Patient app

Patient dokumentiert Medikamenteneinnahme in der SaniQ App

The patient app reminds the user to take their medication on time. Patients can also document their intake in the app.

Step by step - how the medication plan works

Step by step - how the medication plan works

1. call up the medication plan

You can access a patient's medication plan via the "Medication" menu item within a patient file. There you can edit or delete medication that has already been created and add new medication. 

2. add medication

The blue "+Add" button takes you to the Red List of Medicinal Products. Enter the name of the desired medicine in the search field, select the appropriate entry and click on the plus sign.

3. specify dosage

In the screen that opens, you can specify the medication in terms of category, dosing regimen and dosing unit and select the instructions and reason for treatment.

4. monitor adherence

Patients can document their medication intake via the SaniQ patient app. You can view the regularity of the patient's medication intake for any period of time under the "Intake" menu item.

Best practice: Therapy control with SaniQ  

With the help of SaniQ, you can recognise and treat critical events (e.g. decompensations or exacerbations) at an early stage. 

Case study: Heart failure

1. A cardiac patient reports a sudden weight gain via the SaniQ app.

2. The doctor's surgery in charge receives a warning message in SaniQ Praxis.

3. In the chat, the practice prescribes increased medication, which it enters in the medication plan.

4. The threat of decompensation was averted by adjusting the medication.

Find out how you can benefit from SaniQ!

Tom Saal
-telemedicine consultant-

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