Aktionsmonat: Bei allen im Juli eingehenden Bestellungen von SaniQ HERZ entfallen € 474,29 Einrichtungsgebühr!

Digital heart failure monitoring.

Finally made easy with SaniQ HERZ

Digital heart failure monitoring.

Finally made easy with SaniQ HERZ

With SaniQ HERZ, the software platform for the medical telemonitoring of patients with heart failure, you create the basis for the Extrabudgetary remuneration in the EBM. 

Telemonitoring has never been easier

Create the basis now for the Extrabudgetary remuneration in EBM: With SaniQ HERZ, we have developed a new solution, which greatly simplifies telemonitoring for heart failure for you, your practice team and your patients and maximises your revenue.

Telemonitoring SaniQ

State-of-the-art sensor technology

To start telemonitoring, your patients will receive 3 electronic measuring devices from us, including a detailed application description. The devices transmit the measured values directly to your SaniQ instance via mobile phone - no configuration or connection to the patient app necessary!

digitale Personenwaage mit eSIM-Technologie

Weight via mobile phone

ECG via sound detection

beurer Blutdruckmessgerät

Blood pressure via mobile phone


New HI patient app

Our new patient app has been specially developed to meet the needs of heart failure patients. 


Intelligent practice software 

Cardiologists can fully delegate the use of SaniQ Praxis to their practice team.

Arzt nutzt SaniQ

Get the most out of your remuneration

... with the most attractive price model on the market!

Cardiologists receive extra-budgetary remuneration of up to €1,356.24 per patient and year for telemonitoring for heart failure in accordance with the EBM.

1,356.24 €

EBM remuneration
per patient/year

624,12 €

Licence costs SaniQ
per patient/year

732,12 €

Your profit
per patient/year

1,356.24 €

EBM remuneration
per patient/year

624,12 €

Licence costs SaniQ
per patient/year

732,12 €

Licence costs SaniQ
per patient/year

Your proceeds:

0 %

incl. support

incl. training

incl. sensors

incl. maintenance

Your proceeds:

0 %

incl. support

incl. training

incl. sensors

incl. maintenance

Requirements for remuneration (according to QS-V TmHi):

Receive extrabudgetary remuneration totalling 1.356,24 € per treatment per year:

  1. GOP 13583: Guidance and education of patients on telemonitoring
    10,92 € (95 points, 1x in case of illness)
  2. GOP 40910: Flat rate for the required basic equipment with external measuring devices
    68,00 € (1x per treatment case)
  3. GOP 13586: Telemonitoring in heart failure using external measuring devices
    241,32 € (2.100 points, 1x in treatment case)
  4. optional GOP 13587: Surcharge to GOP 13586 for intensified telemonitoring on weekends and public holidays
    27,01 € (235 points, 1x in treatment case)

For telemonitoring in heart failure, patients must meet the following criteria:

  • NYHA II or NYHA III with an ejection fraction < 40%
  • Patient has an implanted cardiac device (ICD, CRT-P, CRT-D) or has been hospitalised for cardiac decompensation within the last 12 months.
  • Patient:in is treated according to guidelines
  • Patient is cognitively, physically and technically able to participate in telemonitoring.

With SaniQ you fulfil all technical requirements according to the QSV Telemonitoring in Heart Failure 2022:

  • For your patients you will receive high quality  external gauges for recording body weight, electrical heart action and blood pressure.
  • The units can be connected to the SaniQ Patient App via Bluetooth so that the measured vital values are transmitted directly to the app.
  • From the app, the values are transferred directly to the SaniQ Practice Software with the help of which you and your practice team carry out telemonitoring.

As a cardiologist, you can use telemonitoring in heart failure as the primary treating physician and in the role of a Telemedicine Centre (TMZ) Settle.

The Approval as TMZ can be obtained on request from your Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, if you work as a panel doctor or in a panel doctor's MVZ and offer rhythm implant checks.

We will be happy to support you in applying for admission!

"Telemonitoring with SaniQ is like a Protective shield for the patients."

Ralph Rüdelstein, MD

Chief Physician of the Department of Internal Medicine
at St. Nikolaus Stiftshospital in Andernach

3 steps to cardiac telemonitoring

With SaniQ, you can quickly start telemonitoring your heart failure patients and benefit from the extra-budgetary remuneration items in the EBM and GOÄ.

Step 1

1. set up SaniQ

Set up the application in the browser within a few minutes and synchronise the patient data from your practice system with SaniQ.

Step 2

2. identify patients

Identify suitable patients who meet the medical requirements for telemonitoring in HI.

Step 3

3. start telemonitoring

Introduce patients to the SaniQ app and start telemonitoring their vital signs.

MFA bei der Arbeit mit SaniQ

We are frequently asked these questions

Für das Telemonitoring bei Herzinsuffizienz erhalten Sie eine extrabudgetäre Vergütung nach dem EBM von max. 1.300 € pro Patient/Jahr. Dafür erbringen Sie und Ihr Praxisteam bestimmte Leistungen, um die Patient:innen gemäß der Qualitätssicherungsvereinbarung TmHi zu versorgen. Was also kommt auf Sie zu?

Aufwand für das Praxisteam: ⌀ 10-20 Minuten täglich je nach Patientenzahl

  • Die Anwendung der Praxis-Software können Kardiolog:innen vollständig an Ihr Praxisteam delegieren.
  • Die täglichen Routine-Aufgaben (Abarbeiten von Warnmeldungen, Prüfung nicht übermittelter Messergebnisse, Patientenkommunikation) nehmen nur wenige Minuten in Anspruch.

Aufwand für Kardiolog:innen: bedarfsabhängig

  • Bei Bedarf einer medizinischen Intervention stimmen Sie therapeutische Gegenmaßnahmen mit Ihrem Personal abstimmen (z.B. die Medikation anpassen)

Sie sehen, das Telemonitoring ist einfach und ohne großen Aufwand umsetzbar. Es entlastet Ihren Praxisbetrieb sogar, weil Sie Reduce unplanned visits to the practice.

Once you have identified suitable candidates for telemonitoring, obtain their consent to participate and create a patient profile in SaniQ. This only takes a few minutes.

The newly registered patients will then receive a starter pack from us containing the three measuring devices and a detailed Instructions for installation and use of the measuring devices and the SaniQ app.

Telemonitoring for heart failure is No emergency response systemwhich requires immediate intervention in medical emergencies. It is used for medical monitoring of central vital signs and for adjusting therapy in the event of a significant deterioration in the values.

If a patient's values deteriorate or exceed or fall below the set standard range, you will receive a warning message via SaniQ. According to the G-BA decision, you should react to such a critical event within 48 hours by contacting the patient and initiating therapeutic countermeasures.

According to the G-BA decision, you are generally obliged to respond within 48 hours of receiving a warning message in SaniQ. However, weekends and public holidays are excluded.

You should communicate longer absences (e.g. in the event of holiday or illness) transparently to your involved patients by email. Many practices also ask patients to sign a disclaimer.

We take care of training, logistics and technical support for you and your patients:

Training: You and your practice team will receive an introduction to the use of the SaniQ Praxis software.

Logistics: The patients you integrate into SaniQ will receive a starter pack from us with the three measuring devices and a detailed Instructions for installation and use of the measuring devices and the SaniQ app. 

Technical support: If you have any questions or problems, our support team is available to you and your patients at any time by phone or email on weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm. We also take care of the functionality or, if necessary, the replacement of the measuring devices.

SaniQ guarantees you the highest standards of data protection. The software is GDPR-compliant, ISO-certified, CE-labelled and audited by TÜV every year. Our servers are located exclusively in Germany. We also separate patient master data and health data on the database side. 

Request now: free live demo

With SaniQ you fulfil all technical & regulatory requirements to benefit from the extrabudgetary remuneration potential in the EBM.

Win-win for you and your patients

Cardiology practices and their patients benefit equally from telemonitoring in heart failure.

1. data-based therapy

Get a complete digital history of your patients' measurements:

2. control therapy digitally

Recognise and treat cardiac decompensations early:

3. intersectoral exchange

Communicate with colleagues in a data protection-compliant and cross-sectoral manner:

4. communicate efficiently

Communicate digitally with your patients to reduce frequent office visits:

Find out how you can benefit from SaniQ!

Projektentwicklerin Diana

Diana Klich

+49 261 13 498 698

Arrange a free demo

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