Make everyday practice easier with SaniQ!

SaniQ OS is the telemedical platform for the digital GP practice: reduce frequent practice visits as well as the workload for your entire practice team.

How SaniQ relieves the burden on your practice management

The digital interaction of the SaniQ practice software and the patient app enables you to efficiently manage your chronically ill patients and avoid frequent visits to the practice.

1. monitor vital signs digitally

Chronically ill patients come to the practice several times a quarter for follow-up?

With telemonitoring, the vital signs measured by your patients reach you digitally - and make frequent follow-up checks in the practice unnecessary.


2. pre-qualify patients

Incomplete diaries complicate your treatment decisions? 

Telemonitoring of vital signs gives you a continuous history of readings directly on your screen when a patient comes to your practice.

Telemonitoring Grafik

3. manage documents efficiently

Is the collection of findings a burden on your practice?

The SaniQ practice software enables you to communicate digitally with your patients and share documents, e.g. findings, laboratory results, discharge letters, etc., conveniently.

4. communicate efficiently

Chronically ill patients come to the practice with acute symptoms and throw your schedule into confusion?

Via the SaniQ chat and the video consultation, you can communicate efficiently with your patients and - if necessary - adjust the medication in the medication plan.

SaniQ Videosprechstunde

Data-based treatment with SaniQ

Measured values such as heart rate, blood pressure or blood sugar help you to make good treatment decisions for your chronically ill patients.

However, values measured during a visit to the practice only represent a snapshot. Telemonitoring of vital signs provides you with a continuous history of the values, as your patients take their own daily measurements at home and transmit them digitally to your practice via SaniQ.

without SaniQ

with SaniQ

Episodic measurements in the doctor's office

  • frequent visits to the practice
  • small database
  • Snapshot


Continuous measurements at home

  • efficient supply
  • high data density
  • more precise diagnosis

SaniQ for the digital GP practice

Effectively reduce workload & deal with it in a data-based way

Class I medical device

secure data protection

Can be quickly integrated into your practice system

certified according to ISO 27001

€ 44,80*

/ month incl. VAT.


*Cancellable every month

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SaniQ trial period.

Your test account expires automatically after 14 days. No cancellation required!

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