SaniQ Stories
With the power of medical data

Find out how remote patient monitoring is driving digital transformation in the healthcare sector.

Telemonitoring Spirometer
Digital medical practice

Telemonitoring for COPD

When will telemonitoring for COPD become an integral part of standard care? Initial studies were promising - now a study project funded by the G-BA is set to provide clarity. In this article, we shed light on the current state of research and show what a sensible implementation could look like.

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Infografik digitale Patientenversorgung in der Arztpraxis
Digital medical practice

Patient care: Digital tools for the medical practice

Digitalisation is putting traditional methods of healthcare provision to the test. While practice visits and personal contact are still important, digital technologies offer valuable support. Which digital tools can usefully supplement outpatient patient care?

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Telemonitoring Grafik

Future check: Telemonitoring in Germany

As a key digital medical technology, telemonitoring is central to overcoming urgent challenges in the German healthcare system. So where does Germany stand when it comes to integrating this pioneering technology into healthcare?

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3 innovative ways to generate real world data

Real world data is a valuable tool for pharmaceutical companies to support and accelerate the development, authorisation and marketing of their products. Better sources than ever are available to them today. We present 3 innovative possibilities in this article.

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