Calculate now: Reimbursement for telemonitoring for heart failure

Calculate now: Reimbursement for telemonitoring for heart failure

New fee schedule items (GOP) in the uniform assessment scale (EBM) regulate the billing of telemonitoring in heart failure. You can find out here what remuneration you can expect as a cardiologist.

Since January 2022, new telemedical services have been available in the EBM for cardiologists to bill. 

Amount of remuneration: The new GOPs in detail

If you exhaust all possibilities, you can maximum 1.356,24 € per patient:in/year bill. This figure results from the following fee schedule items in the EBM:



GOP 13583: Guidance and education of patients on telemonitoring

10,92 € (95 points, 1x per year)

GOP 40910: Flat rate for the required basic equipment with external measuring devices

68,00 € (1x per quarter)

GOP 13586: Telemonitoring in heart failure using external measuring devices

241,32 € (2,100 points, 1x per quarter)

GOP 13587 (optional): Surcharge to GOP 13586 for intensified telemonitoring on weekends and public holidays

27,01 € (235 points, 1x per quarter)

Calculate now: Your possible remuneration

Your specific remuneration depends on the services you provide as a cardiology practice within the framework of telemonitoring, as well as on the number of your heart failure patients who use the medical preconditions for telemonitoring.

Technical and regulatory requirements

In order to take full advantage of the reimbursement possibilities, cardiology practices must meet certain Regulatory and technical requirements fulfil.

You essentially need 3 things:

  1. an accreditation as a telemedicine centre (TMZ)
  2. a telemonitoring software
  3. External measuring devices for the patients

With the SaniQ telemonitoring software you meet all technical, regulatory and data protection requirements and also receive assistance with TMZ approval and comprehensive support in setting up and maintaining the technical infrastructure.


Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung & GKV-Spitzenverband: Quality Assurance Agreement Telemonitoring in Heart Failure. 2022. 


Endlich leicht gemacht mit SaniQ HERZ

Digitales Herzinsuffizienz-Monitoring.

Endlich leicht gemacht mit SaniQ HERZ

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